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There were many things in this game. Among them were hills and umbrellas. I think the real game-changer was when I realized I could punch the duck as many times as I wanted. I lost interest after that. Out of five stars.

Edit: I do not like ducks.

That’s why I included the option to punch them. You’re welcome.

(1 edit) (+1)

Sophie your game is amazing. I love the descriptions but mostly the graphics. I don't know how you added color in your text but it makes the game far more enjoyable. I love how you carried on and ended our game!

Thanks!!! :))


Very nice and incredibly rad game. I liked the mood and aestheitc of the game it was really nice. Your game was very creatice and magical. Very slay queen.




absolutely rad

oh my... thank you



thank you so much

wow snorkel weasel this is such an awesome and creative game

oh why thank you mysterious stranger